It was November.The year as I remember was 1990.You can guess that I was not quite old at that time(I am just 22 presently).My mother was behaving quite differently that day.I was very introvert at that time and hence everything used to appear different to me.In the evening, when the great wizard came up with his dark blanket my own darkness went away.I realized that though my mother was holding me tight enough in her arms I was going to fall sooner or later.''I didn't know I going to fall?''..My mother was very close to me yet I was terrified.I tried to express myself but the words were not there.I was a baby! A terrified baby !'and babies don't speak words-do they ?'So I did the only thing I was good at...I cried.
My mother now took me a little closer and gave me a hug.She said something but to me the words were unclear, unheard .That day I produced a big cry, a cry that could bring life even in the dead. Time has passed but the thing that matters is - the cry is on .I am not sure whether people understand my cries or not.Sometimes my cries become a shout.These cries are sometimes mingled up with aggression. earlier, the cry showed my needs, it was an indication for my mother that I needed something or I was feeling pain. But the painful fact is things have changed up to great extent.
I am not the only one who bears this type of cry.For instance, the first cry as i mentioned earlier is a natural phenomenon.It is present in living things by birth.Everyone knows how to cry...we all know this fact.But many a times I am bound to think about a grown up's behavior or you can say- a teenager.I tried to mention an incident involving a mother and a child..why ? Don't you think that over the period of time the two positions have been interchanged to some extent.I am not trying to involve each and everyone among us in the arena but given a deep thought , you will come to know that the situation really exists.Our cry which once used to bring us closer now creates a barrage.I assume here that you are getting the difference between the two types of cry.
The barrage that I mentioned above is existing only because our words are becoming a cry, a shout. a shout to show that whatever is being done is right.
Both forms of cry which I am trying to mention are actually a form of language.Language is a tool of expression.A babies cry is basically associated with his needs and pain. A grown up may have the same ingredients but when his words take the shape of a shout he actually shows his frustration.We have become masters of language but still our language -the words we use, the body language we use- sometimes express hatred only.
The poor cries for food. His cry is a cry of need,a cry of pain,a cry to converse that i am hungry-please help me.But we don't belong to that category.Our parents have given us everything.We have been provided with the best of knowledge.Our teachers have always helped us.Despite of all this ,their love for us remains unclear , unheard to us.The only thing we produce-a cry....sometimes with words ...sometimes with.....
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